Saturday, October 25, 2008

SAW 5!(R21)*Spoiler Warning*

Saw 5 was AWESOME!!But to me it wasn't as good as the previous few series.Being a Saw fan is a MUST watch when it comes into the theatre regardless that it's R21 or not.I aint gottna wait till the DVD come out man,nono.I wanna be first among the few to discuss about Saw 5 in their official forum.I went to Cathy with with Jeremy and friends who I used to sneak in successfully to watch Hostel 2(R21)with.It was cool this time I manage to get through the usher without asking to show my I.C which is surprising,I did at least expect her to ask but she didn't o.0 not at all.
Let's talk about Saw 5.Due to having the different director directing this time,Saw wasn't pretty much the old Saw anymore.If you notice,all the big characters of Saw 1,2,3 died.Which ended having crappy characters to emerge and Def.Hoffman to be as the same level of Jigsaw(John) which is to me CRAP.I don't like Def.Hoffman in the first place and I hope his just another Jigsaw victim(cause he just came out of no where and not cool at all)but NO he ended replacing Jigsaw o.0!My favorite characters in Saw 5 are Def.Strahm & the lady who idk did or did not survive the '5 become 1'trap.Def Strahm was super cool where he manage to have the pen poke through his windpipe so he can breath to survive the trap.His one smartass!I believe if a normal person was put in his shoe he will just panic and die drowned.The ending where Def.Strahm didn't walk in to the glass cabin(as he was told) and he fought against Def. Hoffman and threw Def.Hoffman in*thinking the cabin was a trap*I was DAMN HAPPY!!I said in the cinema "Yes!Die Hoffman!''little do I know..DAMN tat was not a trap!Fuck!Ended looking at poor Def.Strahm smash to death by the wall and Def.Hoffman lowered into the ground
.*T-T he came too far to die*AWWW for the hand!!I was led to a Big disappointment to yet again see another of my favorite character die as I walk out of the cinema.NA BEI.
I pretty much see Saw series dying cause of all my favorites characters ended up dead leaving the cinema in sadness..There wasn't much twist inside and is disappointing.And to prevent disappointment watch it like you didn't expect anything from the past Saw series,then you will appreciate it more.But No I won't stop watching cause it's the Best movie ever~!!And NO there's no naked lady in this series.R21(gore)
Anyway feel free to discuss with me about Saw in the tag box.I'll be more than happy to^-^

"Killing is distasteful" - Jigsaw(John)

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