Friday, January 15, 2010

My Beliefs

I've been thinking recently about the belief of God & religions as it seems to be a quite an interesting topic to share and talk about.. I asked around a bit to understand and listen to their believes.. Seriously there's no right or wrong, is a personal belief, faith and commitment..
It's interesting of what I heard from people.. I don't think it's a subject to be put into an argument in fact to be open about it.. To accept other people's believe instead of shit talking..I'm not writing to criticize any Religions or Beliefs and I apologize if I offend anyone but if you are, than I think your not open enough to accept people's beliefs.. Here is my sharing of my thoughts and personal beliefs..

If your interested to know about some of my beliefs please continue reading...

Okies.. Here goes,
I personally do believe in an existence of the spirit of God but not totally.. But one is that I can't truly believe or understand is the Religions..
I've quoted someone having this saying "God is God. Organized religion is man's vision of God. As soon as you join one, you are buying into some other damned fools notion of God rather than God."
..and another reply from someone, "I have a strong belief in a 'God'.I do not believe in organized religion because religion is a creation of mankind, and is almost always hierarchical, and contains human flaws. Also, organized religion serves to separate people into groups who argue about their 'rightness'. This has been the foundation of a great many unholy wars."

Seriously, I do agree with what they say.. God is God and Religions and worshipping is man-made.. I maybe believe in God but not really to the extend of commitment and worshipping.. But who knows, I'm just not ready..

'Adam & Eve' or 'Evolution'? Evolution, I believe in sciences and evidence.. Seeing to believe instead of hearsay..
'Life after death' or ' Nothing' Well, I believe that Nothing gotta happen to us after we died.. Nahh.. nothing at all.. My personally theory is that the way we behave is inherit and control by your brain A.K.A yourself.. What your wants and needs is create by the environment around you..So when you die you just die together with your brain =)

Overall, I think I believe I'm an Agnostic.. People who are uncertain of the existence.. Cause seriously, I don't know either.. I couldn't consider myself as an Atheist cause Atheist don't believe in any existence of God.. So here's some personally beliefs I've shared with you guys or maybe just myself.. Anyway, this topic is very interesting and a bit sensitive, but my curiosity will never stop here to find out more.. ^^

Lastly here's a saying from my friend Justin to concludes the believe in Religions, which I totally agree..
"Religion is a guiding path in ones may not be true,it may not be real but humans just need smth to get themselves feel secure.just like the past,how sun is to human." - Justin

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KillerZavatar said...
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