Thursday, May 28, 2009


It's really the greatest sin of my life.Envy.
My friend and I share to achieve a common goal together.Getting our car licenses,studying hospitality and get into a well known hotel and work our way up to executive.But different people lives really different life.
My friend got his car license smoothly as his parent pays for his driving lessons.While I'm still stuck now with no money to take my driving lessons and practical test.
His parent support him to study all his way up to degree,while I've to suffer like mad just to even pay my installment for my school fees.
Now he got a job at Fullerton Hotel as an Assistant Hotel Executive and I'm still stuck here trying so hard with all the interviews just to get an entry level job in a hotel.

I don't have a great dad or mum to support me financially for my future!And it's beyond my will that my Father is died and my mum has low income!Neither I've a filthy rich relative who knows people from great hotel to get me a job in it!NO! I was born with mole on my body and a scar on my hand when I was young!So that already destine me not being able to be an Air stewardess when I was young even I wanted to be so badly!And I'm fucking jealous of them!Everyone!What the point of giving me all the looks when I've such miserable life?!Get fucked around by guys and thrown around?!What is it of life that I can't fucking understand!

This shows a lot that God is unfair and I definitely HATE him the most!


KillerZavatar said...

i have to pay my driver's license, too. hope to be ready in summer.

Leslie said...

i ever thought of this before too. i feel you.

hope arrives with time, let's be patient